The brand new VN, first completely new Commodore since the VB, is longer, wider, roomier, better equipped and more powerful than the VL. The VN marks the return of the BIG Holden.
With the VN series, power steering became standard on all models. The VN also featured the new Buick - based 3800 V6, which Holden has been building ever since, as well as a new four speed automatic transmission.
The VN Commodore / Calais Specifications page, with details on engines, suspension, gearboxes, etc.
Alternative Image.
Alternative Image.
Alternative Image.
V6, 5 speed manual transmission, power steering.
4 speed automatic transmission, air conditioning, cruise control, V8.
V6, 4 speed automatic transmission, power steering, air conditioning.
Cruise control, V8, power windows, 5 speed manual transmission.
V6, 4 speed automatic transmission, power steering, air conditioning, cruise control, power windows.
5 speed manual transmission, limited slip differential, sports suspension, country pack suspension, leather upholstery.
The VN Commodore / Calais Specifications page, with details on engines, suspension, gearboxes, etc.
Thanks to Aardwolf, for the pics of Executives, BT1 and SS. Thanks to Gary for scanning in the Calais, Formula, and some Executive and Berlina pics.
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Last modified: 11 April 2004.