The VH Commodore Specifications page, with details on engines, suspension, gearboxes, etc.
The SS was used as the basis for the Holden Dealer Team (HDT) Peter Brock Group 1 SS, Group 2 SS and Group 3 SS models. The SS was available in red or white.
The BT1 pack included the following: Specially calibrated certified-accurate police speedometer, modified gate T-bar selector on cars with automatic transmission, high performance headlights, SL/E dome lights with reading lights, front door storage bin, ashtrays in all armrests. The big-valve V5H engine was also available as an option.
The VH Commodore Specifications page, with details on engines, suspension, gearboxes, etc.
Thanks to Aardwolf for the BT1 info.
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Last modified: 12 April 2003.