This page is dedicated to Commodores used in motorsport. This can include private or professional racing. Please get in touch with me if you have a Commodore you want to let others know about. Simply Email Me.
Check out the V8 Supercars web site for the latest information.
Also check out the V8 Racing web site for more V8 racing information.
For pics of the Holden Racing Team Commodores, go to the Holden Racing Team page.
Above are some pics from 2001 of the number 11 Castrol Perkins Racing VX commodore, driven by Larry Perkins.
Click here for pics and info on car 914, a standard Commodore SS, from the 1996 Targa Tasmania, where it came 7th outright.
Above are some pics of the #77 Richard Mork V8 Racing Team VS Commodore, from Bathurst 2000. For more info, go to the V8 Racing web site
Above are some pics of the Wayne Garder Racing VS commodore.
Above is a pic from 1998 of the number 11 Castrol Perkins Racing VT commodore, driven by Larry Perkins.
The pics of car 77 are used with permission from the V8 Racing web site.
Return to Unofficial Holden Commodore Archive Main Page.
Last modified: 25 September 2005.