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Holden & Commodore Clubs

This page contains a list of Holden and Commodore Clubs as submitted by visitors to this site. If you have any other Holden Clubs to add to this page, please contact the UHCA.

Commodore Car Club of New Zealand

FX-FJ Car Club of Canberra, Australia

The Holden Sporting Car Club

The Northern Territory HDT-HSV Club

Commodore Owners Car Club (South Australia)

HDT Owners Club (SA) Inc

HSV Owners Club of SA Inc.

Nelson Holden Club

The Sydney Commodore Club

Early Model (FX/FJ) Holden Club of Vic. Inc.

Commodore Car Club of WA

Holden Commodore Club of SA

The Commodore Club of Tasmania

Commodore Life Car Club (Australia Wide)

Club Commodore Australia

NT HSV & Holden Owners Club

MODE - Monaro Owners Drivers & Enthusiasts Association Inc.

Brisbane Commodore Car Club

Aussie Commodores Club Inc

Commodore Car Club of New Zealand

Club Contact Details:

www: Commodore Car Club of New Zealand

The FX-FJ Car Club of Canberra, Australia

Club Contact Details:

www: FX-FJ Car Club of Canberra, Australia

The Holden Sporting Car Club

Do you want to get get into motorsport yourself, but don't know where to begin? Or just meet and talk with like-minded enthusiasts? The Holden Sporting Car Club has clubs in the Australian states of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, and your local club is the ideal place to start.

Club members compete in most forms of four-wheeled motorsport, including motorkhana's, khanacross', sprints, supersprints, hillclimbs, touring assemblies (road rallies), rallies and circuit races.

Members range from enthusiasts who compete in their normal road-going car, to those that build all-out competition cars. The clubs welcome drivers of cars of any manufacture - we aren't restricted to GMH vehicles. While there are more GMH drivers than any other single make in the clubs, there is also a fair number of Fords, Datsuns, Mazdas, Minis, and a smattering of other makes as well.

Junior members are also most welcome - many juniors are proficient drivers well before they are old enough to obtain a road licence.

The clubs meet once a month, and also organise various social events throughout the year.

Clubs in all states are members of CAMS (Australian motorsport's governing body), and as such all events we run and compete in are strictly controlled to maximise safety, despite the competitive nature of the events.

Involvement in car clubs and club level motor sport will do much to improve your knowledge of your car, and your driving ability, and most of all, you'll have a heap of fun. Feel free to contact your local Holden Sporting Car Club for more information. Let them know that you saw this page.

Club Contact Details:

Holden Sporting Car Club of Queensland:

Club Office, (07) 3366 2000
Scott Doyle, President, (07) 3376 0637 (AH) or 0411 124 808 (M)
email: Scott Doyle (doyle.tlsg@bigpond.com)
www: http://www.users.bigpond.com/doyle.tlsg/index.html

Holden Sporting Car Club of NSW:

Glenn Kervin, President, (02) 9643 2853 (AH)
Mark Hardiman, Vice President, (02) 9773 3060 (AH)
email: Jayson Beaton (Jayson.Beaton@alcatel.com.au) or Mark Hardiman (Mark.Hardiman@alcatel.com.au)
Web site

Holden Sporting Car Club of Victoria:

email: hsccvinc@vicnet.net.au
www: http://www.holdenclub.com/

The Northern Territory HDT-HSV Club

Club Contact Details:

G.R. Pendlebury - Motorsport Co-Ordinator
Email: smartnt1@ozemail.com.au

Commodore Owners Car Club (South Australia)

The largest club of its type in SA. Cars from VB - VZ and beyond, HSV or HDT, modified or stock. All are more than welcome. Club meetings held at:

Woodville Bowls
Port Road
1st Tuesday of every month - 7:00pm

Club Contact Details:

Enquiries - Jason Evers
email: mrvk84@gmail.com
www: http://www.coccsa.com/

HDT Owners Club (SA) Inc

Incorporated in May 1986, the oldest HDT Owners Club in Australia and still going. We cater for all types of HDT (BROCK) and HSV owners. Our fees are $40 per year (+ a once only $10 joining fee) for full members and $30 per year for country members and associate members. (conditions apply for Associate Members). We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month. We participate in BBQ'S, Picnics, Day & Night Cruises, Show & Shine events, Drive Days, weekends away, Club Displays and Charity fundraising events. The Club is family friendly and we encourage all family members to participate in the Clubs'activities. We have members from all over SA and Broken Hill who enjoy their association with the Club. Our members cars range from the HDT Brock VC through the VH , VK , VL, VN range. We have HSV vehicles including the VL Walkinshaw and various Clubsports. Some of our members have, at some time or other travelled to the HDT/HSV Nationals wherever they have been held all over the country. We are affiliated with the Street Machine Association of SA and enjoy the activities they organise. Our last run, was a trip to the Whyalla Street & Custom Show. We displayed 7 vehicles and came away with eleven trophies, including Best Presented Club. We are having a variety of events this year, including displays at the Adelaide Clipsal 500 and the Hot Rod Show, Club runs to Waikerie, Clare and Mt. Gambier are also planned. Membership of the HDT Owners CLub (SA) Inc. is family oriented and we encourage the whole family to join in and enjoy what the Club has to offer.

Club Contact Details:

Contact: Daryl Philllips (08) 8381 4184 Mobile: 0412 087 221
PO Box 157 O'Halloran Hill SA 5158

HSV Owners Club of SA Inc.

Club Contact Details:

PO Box 6101, Halifax Street, Adelaide SA 5000

Nelson Holden Club

Club Contact Details:

Email: info@holdenclub.org.nz
www: http://www.holdenclub.org.nz/
Mail: PO Box 967, Nelson 7040, New Zealand

Sydney Commodore Club

The Sydney Commodore Club is open to all model Commodores, including Statemans. We are based at Wetherill Park in Sydney, but have members all over NSW.

Club Contact Details:

www: http://www.sydneycommodoreclub.com.au/
email: sccnsw@yahoo.com
Contact Person: Dianne
Contact Number: 0405-355901
Address: PO Box 7027, Wetherill Park

Early Model (FX/FJ) Holden Club of Vic. Inc.

Club Contact Details:

www: http://www.emhc.com.au/

Commodore Car Club of WA

Club Contact Details:

www: http://www.commodorecarclubwa.com/

Holden Commodore Club of SA

We welcome all model Commodores from VB to the latest model, all body styles including Statesmans from VQ up and even the new Monaro. So come and join the fun of being involved in a car club. It doesn't matter if your Commodore is a run down workhorse or a showcar or even a just a streetcar that is completely standard, as long as it is a Commodore you are welcome to join our club.

Club Contact Details:

Club President: Ricky Martin, 0438 883 501
Email: hccsa@bigpond.net.au
www: http://www.holdencommodoreclub.com/
Mail: PO Box 404, Modbury North SA 5082

The Commodore Club of Tasmania

Club Contact Details:

Email: info@tascommodores.com
www: http://www.tascommodores.com/

Commodore Life Car Club

Club Contact Details:

Contact: Steve Clarke [President]
Email: vlgroupa@commodorelife.com
www: http://www.commodorelife.com/
Community Forums: http://www.commodorelife.com/forums/

Club Commodore Australia

Club Commodore Australia is a club for Holden Commodore enthusiasts of all walks of life. Whether you drive a classic sedan, wagon, or ute, or the latest VE, all commodore owners are welcome. Our club is family orientated with regular social outings and cruises as well as events like shows and displays.

There's no better way to improve your driving skills, increase your motoring knowledge and have a whole lot of fun than to join with others who share the same passion.

Club nights are held on the second Friday of each month at 7.30pm alternating between various venues.

Club Contact Details:

Mail: PO Box 3252, Bangor NSW 2234
Email: membership@clubcommodore.com
www: http://www.clubcommodore.com/

NT HSV & Holden Owners Club

Club Contact Details:

www: http://www.nthsvholden.com.au/

MODE - Monaro Owners Drivers & Enthusiasts Association Inc.

Club Contact Details:

Mail: PO Box 4509, North Rocks NSW 2151
Phone: 0415 953 954
Email: info@mode.org.au
www: http://www.mode.org.au/

Brisbane Commodore Car Club

Club Contact Details:

www: http://www.brisbanecommodore.com/

Aussie Commodores Club Inc

Club Contact Details:

Mail: PO Box 34, St Marys NSW 1790
Phone: Greg : 0403 572 359
Email: membersrep@aussiecommodores.com.au
Email: president@aussiecommodores.com.au
www: http://www.aussiecommodores.com.au/

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Last modified: 18 March 2018.

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